Iranian officials say resistance will continue in reaction to Nasrallah’s martyrdom

September 28, 2024 - 20:59

TEHRAN – Several Iranian officials have issued messages after Hezbollah Secretary-General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah was assassinated in massive Israeli airstrikes on residential buildings in Beirut’s densely populated southern suburb of Dahiyeh on Friday.

It is believed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the attacks as he was delivering a speech to the UN General Assembly, where he claimed the regime is looking for “peace” and “prosperity” in the region. 

The exact number of casualties from the attacks remains unknown, as the heavy bombardment has made it extremely difficult to identify or even locate bodies amidst the destruction.

’Nasrallah’s assassination decided in New York’

Iranian officials say resistance will continue in reaction to Nasrallah’s martyrdom

Iranian President Pezeshkian has condemned the assassination of Nasrallah, noting that Washington is complicit in the crimes committed by Israel. 
In a statement released on Saturday, Pezeshkian said that Nasrallah's passing fulfilled his "lifetime dream" of becoming a martyr in the path of sacrifice.

The President asserted that the order for Nasrallah's assassination was given by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu while he was in New York addressing the United Nations General Assembly. “No one will forget that the order for the assassination of Nasrallah had been issued by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he was in New York to address the United Nations General Assembly. This is only a sign that the United States government was complicit in the crime committed by the Israeli regime.”

Despite Nasrallah's absence, Pezeshkian expressed confidence that Hezbollah will continue its "fight against oppression."

‘Supporting Resistance Front Iran’s parliament policy’

Iranian officials say resistance will continue in reaction to Nasrallah’s martyrdom

In a letter to Lebanon's Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri on Saturday, Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf condemned Israel's attacks in Beirut and across Lebanon, calling them acts of "brutality and state terrorism" that disregard all human rights laws. 

Qalibaf described the attacks, which followed the brutal genocide in Gaza, as a "disaster against humanity, peace, and stability of the region and the world." He emphasized that the international community's silence in the face of Israel's "child-killing regime" is a betrayal of human rights. 

Qalibaf is a seasoned Iranian politician who used to serve as a top commander in the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC). 

‘Nasrallah’s blood will lead to destruction of Israel’
Iranian officials say resistance will continue in reaction to Nasrallah’s martyrdom

First Vice President Mohammad Reza Aref said Iran warns Israeli officials that the blood of the oppressed martyrs of the path of Resistance, particularly the Hezbollah chief, will lead to the regime’s destruction.

In a message expressing condolences over Nasrallah's assassination, Aref declared that "today is the day of an important test for all in the world, including nations and governments." He emphasized the significance of the international community's reaction to Israel's "acts of crimes and genocide."

Reiterating Iran's unwavering support for the Resistance, Aref expressed confidence that Nasrallah's legacy will continue.

‘Resistance will become more forceful’
Iranian officials say resistance will continue in reaction to Nasrallah’s martyrdom

Iran's Vice President for Strategic Affairs, Mohammad Javad Zarif, says Resistance against Israel will intensify following the martyrdom of Nasrallah. 

In a post on X, Zarif referred to the Hezbollah leader as a "symbol of the fight against oppression" and a "refuge for the oppressed people in Lebanon and the whole region."

Zarif said Israel and its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have a "chaotic plan" for the region and the world, which in his words, will ultimately fail. 

He expressed condolences to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Lebanese people and government, and all Resistance forces, as well as "freedom-seekers across the world."

‘Nasrallah now greater than ever’

Iranian officials say resistance will continue in reaction to Nasrallah’s martyrdom

In a Saturday message on X, Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said the assassination of Hezbollah’s leader is only indicative of the fact that Israel does not belong in the West Asian region.
“Assassinating resistance leaders only reconfirms the unchanging fact that evil and genocidal occupying entities will never take root in our region. It only confirms it.”

Araqchi added that Nasrallah who led Lebanon’s fight against occupation and aggression for three decades is now “greater” than ever. “[Nasrallah is now] a great martyr whose blood will guarantee the continuation of Hezbollah's just cause. 

‘Proud path of Hassan Nasrallah will continue’

Iranian officials say resistance will continue in reaction to Nasrallah’s martyrdom

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani issued a statement expressing condolences on the martyrdom of Hezbollah’s Secretary General. 
While expressing sorrow, Kanaani highlighted that Nasrallah’s legacy will continue. 
"The glorious path of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah of resistance will continue and his holy goal of liberating Holy Quds will be realized, God willingly," he wrote.

‘Determination of Resistance forces will not falter’
Iranian officials say resistance will continue in reaction to Nasrallah’s martyrdom

Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri has warned the “murderous, racist, and child killing” Israeli regime that it would not manage to change the resolution of Resistance forces by its heinous crimes. 

General Baqeri noted that the assassination of Nasrallah happened after a year of powerful resistance by Palestinians in Gaza, and the humiliation of Zionists at the hands of Hamas on October 7. “Meanwhile, the Zionists had the backing of criminal American and European leaders all this time.” 

“Israel should know that this heinous act will not cause any harm in the determination of the Resistance fighters to create new and proud milestones in the anti-Zionist battlefront, but it will double the strength and authority of Hezbollah and make them more determined in the fight against Zionist criminals.”

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